6. Information, Transparency and Good Governance

Information, Transparency and Good Governance

DGOJ activity index


ClaimsReturn to top

As for claims, the breakdown in terms of the type of gambling related to them is as follows:

Claims lodged in relation to gambling
Claims 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Lottery tickets 9 12 26 15 15 12
Online betting 11 74 30 61 67 66
SELAE and ONCE lotteries 1 2 1 4 8 10
Casinos, Poker and online bingo 1 13 10 8 10 6
Online slot machines 0 0 0 8 2 4
Other 7 3 0 21 22 31
Total 29 104 67 117 124 129


The distributions by reason of claim and by amount are shown in the following graphs:

(click on the image to view it full size)


Claims according to amount
Amount claimed 2015 2016 2017
€0 - 125 28 27 22
€126 - €500 31 21 23
€501 - €1000 15 9 16
> €1,000 26 26 36
Indeterminate amount/Without amount 17 41 32
Total claims 117 124 129


Requests and noticesReturn to top

Requests registered
  2014 2015 2016 2017
Requests from legal persons        


408 788 1,125 1,795
Requests from citizens 2,986 4,376 5,460 6,657


173 273 344 508


57 22 80 120


2,756 4,081 5,036 6,029

1 Mixed applications are filled in through the electronic form available in the Directorate-General's electronic office, but, in order to be submitted, they are physically signed and submitted in-person.


Notices and communications issued
  2014 2015 2016 2017
Electronic notices 1,274 1,227 1,154 1,810

Addressed to legal persons

1,232 1,203 1,141 1,797

Addressed to Citizens

42 24 13 13
Postal notices 108 1,013 912 762

Addressed to legal persons 1

48 523 421 55

Addressed to citizens

60 490 491 707
Postal notices 2,753 4,246 5,004 6,161

Addressed to legal persons1

32 59 11 25

Addressed to citizens

2,721 4,187 4,993 6,1362

Despite the obligation established for legal persons to interact with Public Administrations electronically, should the interested party not have had a prior relationship with the DGOJ, the first notice or communication is issued via post, stating that other communications arising from the procedure in question must be made electronically. Conversely, the relationship with other Public Administrations is on paper when the administrative unit that it is intended for has not been included in the Registries Interconnection System (SIR).

Mixed applications are filled in through the electronic form available in the Directorate-General's electronic office, but, in order to be submitted, they are physically signed and submitted in-person.


The detail of all requests processed electronically is shown in the following table:

Requests processed electronically
Procedures 2014 2015 2016 2017
Procedures intended for natural persons
Request for registry, modification or removal in the General Register of Gambling Access Bans 141 197 261 379
Request for certification of status in the Registry of Gambling Access Bans. 12 22 27 41
Request for certification of status in the Registry of Persons Linked to Gambling Operators     0 1
Procedures for requesting a licence and subsequent maintenance
Applications for General licences 27     3
Applications for Special Gambling Licences. 67 11 14 24
Request for Authorisation of the Technical Gambling System   15 12 9
Request for substantial changes to the technical gambling system     93 206
Request for substantial changes to the technical gambling system  for extraordinary security emergency     2  
Rated Communications from Gambling Operator to the DGOJ   205 116 121
Download data from the General Licensing Register, the Operator Linked Registry and other additional information     16 18
Request for Registry, cancellation or modification in the Registry of Persons Linked to Gambling Operators at the request of the Operator.     26 24
Procedures for the regular contribution of information from licensed operators
Submission of quarterly activity data 91 135 160 172
Six-monthly submission of financial information 47 66 36  
Annual submission of financial information       41
Annual accounts, management and audit reports. 21 35 44 51
Notification of blocked or suspended accounts     133 184
Submission of quarterly reports on changes to the technical system 87 112 160 191
Procedures for occasional gambling and recreational machines on ships
Authorisations for Occasional Gambling (Raffles)     11 26
Request for the Installation of Recreational Machines on Authorised Ships     0 18
Request for Authorisation to Ships of Regular Passenger Lines     7 7
Procedures for general use
Information requirements under the framework of Law 13/2011 3 5 3 2
Addition of information to a file already opened 84 218 28  
Claims against the DGOJ     1 2
Generic Communications to the DGOJ     284 729
Complaints and claims on gambling 1 40 35 54
Total 581 1,061 1,469 2,303


Enquiries and suggestionsReturn to top

The number of enquiries and suggestions responded to through the corresponding service in the Directorate-General’s electronic office are:

Enquiries and suggestions
Queries 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
General Register of Gambling Access Bans (prohibited) 114 107 14 7 15 7
Identity verification     7 5 22 7
Gambling licences 169 268 86 57 44 46
In-person gambling     6 4 2 3
Authorisations for occasional gambling (raffles, contests, etc.) 108 56 31 38 41 46
Lotteries 18 41 14 8 13 8
Sweepstakes for advertising or promotional purposes     16 13 15 22
Regulation     58 78 63 72
Gambling information/reports 266     4 7 13
Tax matters 89 52 20 9 7 22
Complaints       18 9 6
Claims       18 29 6
Information on claims and complaints 181 213 53 20 3 5
Other 101 138 37 41 15 26
Total 1,046 875 342 320 285 289


Transparency and Access to public informationReturn to top

Under the provisions of Law 19/2013, of 9 December, on Transparency, Access to Public Information and Good Governance, the requests received by the Directorate-General in relation to the assigned powers were: 

Requests for information received
Requests 2017
Granted 11
Partly granted 11
Inadmissible 11
Rejected 1
Total 4

1 Requests appealed to the Transparency and Good Governance Board, which confirmed the DGOJ resolution.


Gambling dutiesReturn to top

In terms of gambling revenues collected, the distribution is as follows:

Revenues on the gambling administrative fee
Denomination of taxable transactions 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
a) Issuance of register
€20.00        -   € €20.00 €20.00 €20.00 €20.00
b) Issuing of technical
evaluation reports
€38,000.00 - €38,000.00 €760,000.00 - €38,000.00 - €76,000.00  -   €
c) Registration in the General
Licence Register
€657,500.00 €40,000.00 €112,500.00 €217,500.00 €37,500.00 €50,000.00
d) Licence or authorisation
request (New licences)
€430,000.00 €70,000.00 €1,130,000.00 €100,000.00 €60,000.00 €250,000.00
d) Licence or authorisation
request (Authorisations)
€300.00 €300.00 €500.00 €1,300.00 €1,300.00 €2,400.00
d) Licence or authorisation
request (Renewal licences)
      €670,000.00 €100,000.00 €400,000.00
e) Mandatory technical
inspections or checks
          -   €
f) Regulatory actions in relation to
gambling activities
€6,348,464.42 €8,687,315.47 €10,631,277.29 €11,233,011.02 €13,012,820.90 €14,780,672.62
Total revenues €7,474,284.42 €8,759,615.47 €12,634,297.29 €12,183,831.02 €13,135,640.90 €15,483,092.62

The amounts include refunds, whenever applicable, as well as supplementary settlements, even when occurring in subsequent years.


Support and use of electronic mediaReturn to top

The number of queries or incidents raised by citizens and operators to DGOJ mailboxes to submit requests electronically are the following:

Type of issues related to the use of electronic media
User support 2016 2017
Registration of requests   146
How to register in the Office/Activation 76 142
How to access a notice 10 24
Problems arising from the National ID document 15 7
Getting an electronic certificate 6 4
Total 282 323


Security of the informationReturn to top

Finally, the DGOJ maintains protocols and security measures for the information related to the exercise of its functions. The following table shows their evolution:

DGOJ protocols and security measures for the information related to the exercise of its functions
    2015 2016 2017
Electronic actions    79 72 85
High intensity 82.28% 97.22% 91.76%
Intrusion attempts 82.28% 61.11% 88.24%
Attempts to collect information 15.19% 34.72% 3.53%
Malicious code  2.53% 2.78% 3.53%
Other unspecified types     4.70%


DGOJ activity index